Where to find us...
Hi everyone, just a reminder SeAscape are no longer located at Boswell House in Ayr.
Whilst we are seeking new premises, we're continuing to deliver our face-to-face services at various community HUBS below and you can contact our duty support team
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm on 01292 285424.
All our services are operating as normal and we look forward to welcoming you all in our new premises very soon!
Our Community HUBS
Our Services

Read our Mid Year Highlight Report
18th April 2024
As we enter the final quarter of our financial year, and work on setting our priorities for 2024-27 we would like to share this report to reflect on the work undertaken by our teams in the year to date.
Want to get involved?
You can make a difference in your local community. Here’s how..

Every year we need to raise vital funds to keep Seascape running to support people in your local community. See how you can help...

SeAscape welcomes volunteers to help us deliver our services. From telephone support, warehouse operations, retail to office admin...

Trustee/Board Member Opportunities
This year marks our 25th Anniversary and as we look to the future, we are looking to recruit new Trustees to join our current Board of Directors. Please email us at enquiries@seascapeayr.co.uk if you have the skills to help our organisation thrive.

Befriending Volunteers
If you are interested in helping the most isolated and lonely people in your area, volunteer with us for a few hours a week and make a difference.